Baby, What's Your Sign?

Being a skeptic of all things supernatural, I am not a believer in astrology. That being said, I enjoy the entertainment value the zodiac descriptions provide, and found one website that characterizes the Sagittarius (supposedly, that's me) with the following traits:

Optimistic and freedom-loving, jovial and good-humored,
honest and straightforward, and intellectual and philosophical.

Despite the absurdity of star signs, I borrowed this description since these traits aptly describe - in most instances, at least - the content you'll find here.

Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Top 10 for 2010: A Year in Review

When asked about my hopes and dreams, plans, and resolutions of the New Year, it's impossible to not think about this past year. While I'm allergic to resolutions and try to keep my hopes and dreams in a tight reality check from year to year, I do like to measure my expectations of the coming year with what the previous year brought me.

With that said, here are 10 highlights from 2010 that I hope if not to duplicate, at least measure up to in 2011:

(In no particular order)

1. The inaugural Best Friend-cation.

In October, I surprised my best friend with a road trip up to Salem, MA during the Haunted Happening festivities of the Halloween season. It was the first trip the two of us had gone on together as adults with just the two of us, and since Halloween is her absolute favorite, I thought it was the best place to kick off what I hope marks as the first annual best friend-cation. Might pick a place a little closer this year though. :)

2. The Last Stop: DMB 2010 Tour Ending Show in Charlottesville, Va.

Okay. I have yet to blog about my favorite band, but have considered doing it many times. Nothing made me want to blog about them more than the epic concert at C'ville in November. But I held back knowing that if I put the letters "DMB" in a blog title, it might be TOO MUCH (see, I just can't seem to HELP MYSELF). Okay, okay...the concert was the best show I've ever been to. Yes, I have seen the band at the Gorge (every DMB fan hopes to see them at that venue), I saw Roi play for the last time at Piedmont Park on his birthday in a truly memorable concert with the Allman Bros. Band, and around 15 other times throughout the years. But, the energy level and unstoppable performance of each band member was unparalleled from any previous performance I had seen. The set list was incredible. For the first time I saw DMB perform past midnight with a double encore. Even the knowledge that they will not be touring in 2011 couldn't bring me down from Cloud 9 after that show.

3. Two Heads are Better Than One: Sam Harris and Bill Maher.

These guys should really be separated, as they are each deserving of their own highlight. Sam Harris' lecture on his book The Moral Landscape in D.C. was a score like no other. Not only did I have a 'Oh My God I got to touch his hand' moment, but more importantly, I had the opportunity to listen -- in person -- to my favorite lecturer, speaker, intellect, scientist, and author of this decade.

Bill Maher was another incredible night. Sure, I've seen his stand-up on HBO, I've seen his bits on Real Time, I've seen his youtube clips, but it pales in comparison to seeing him live. He shares my point of view on about 98% of topics I've heard him discuss, so you can imagine how much I enjoyed his performance. The bonus? This performance was in Baltimore on the Friday before the DMB Saturday night concert in C'ville tying it for second best weekend of the year.

4. My First Visit to a Comedy Club.

Yes, I'm 31 years old. Yes, 2010 marked my first year of experiencing a comedy club. You would think someone like me that loves watching stand up on TV would have found my way to a comedy club or two long before this past year. Alas, this was not the case. But, my friend decided to celebrate her 30th birthday in NYC this year and one of our adventures led us to Stand Up NY -- a great line up, a great night, lots of laughs, and a great first experience. I have since been to the comedy club in Richmond several times, but Stand Up NY will be hard to beat, and was an unforgettable first comedy club experience.

5. So Cool to be in So Cal.

A trip to California is always a highlight. Eating at Baby Blues BBQ in Venice, going to two casinos, spending time with family and my good friend, eating a zucchini weenie (hey, you had to be there), and being able to enjoy another fun weekend getaway was just priceless. 'Nuff said.

6. Dancing Queen.

Okay, so maybe I'm not quite back at the 'Dancing Queen' status yet. But in early 2010 I really went dancing (or as they fondly call it in Jersey 'fist pumping') for the first time in several years. I can't believe how much I've missed it. I made the trip a couple of times to Jersey this year and not only got to dance, but had the chance to spend time with friends I don't get to see very often. I have officially made it my goal to go back up to Jersey at least 3 times a year, if not more, (when finances and schedules allow.) My dancing diva Sista is willing to take me dancing whenever I can make the trip, so I'm hoping 2011 will get me on the road even more than 2010 did.

7. Moving Out: On My Own (Again.)

It's hard to believe that I've only been in my apartment for a year. But, this week is actually the one year anniversary of moving in to my own apartment in Richmond, making 2010 a year that started out with a bang. My favorite part of getting my apartment was hearing responses from different family and friends that made it sound like I was moving out of my parents' house for the first time. Yes, I moved back to Richmond and in with my Mom the summer of 2008. I lived with her for a year and a half before deciding to make this city permanent by getting into a lease. I wanted to make sure that Richmond was where I wanted to stay for awhile. Funny how everyone seemed to forget I lived out of my parents' house for the greater part of the 11 previous years, and quite a few of those years were spent on my own, thank you very much. But, being on my own again is a feeling I can't even describe. Freedom. Independence. It...Is...Sublime!

8. Friendly Faces, Friendly Places: A Year of Family and Friends.

This was a lucky year for me when it comes to family and friends. Not only did I get to see my friend in Jersey, friends from college, my family in California, my good friend in California, but even better than that, I got to meet my youngest cousin on my Mom's side for the first time, I saw friends that I hadn't seen in years (from Washington, California, Pennsylvania, and even Virginia) and family in Pennsylvania. A friend got married, a friend got pregnant, babies were born, we had an amazing turnout for our annual PanCAN 5K race and raised a phenomenal amount for our cause, I celebrated my birthday with friends I hadn't seen in awhile, spent time with my niece and nephew (which is always a highlight) and saw my niece perform at her first dance recital (I'm hoping she continues to love to dance as she grows up). And many other highlights with friends and family throughout the year, but I just couldn't possibly mention them all.

9. Movie of the Year: Burlesque.

Yea yea, go ahead. If you aren't laughing right now, I know you are absolutely dying to. Go ahead, I don't mind...I'll wait. Ya done yet? Not quite? Well, while you get a good chuckle out of this highlight, allow me to explain: It was the best movie of the year. Yep, that's all the explanation I need. Don't judge me until you've seen it. Any movie that can inspire me to want to dance in the parking lot after I see it is definitely one that will make my permanent Top 10.


As a Penn State graduate, I became a fan of the Nittany Lions in 2007, or at least, I thought I did.
But until you go to a home game in Happy Valley and share in the complete experience with 90,000+ fans in Beaver Stadium, share in the traditions of crowd surfing, Zombie Nation, Whiteout, the Drum Major flip, and so many other things that make Nittany Nation the best fan experience any college has to offer, you just can't comprehend the true meaning of what it is to be a Penn State fan. (Yes, I'm slightly biased). Did I mention my first Penn State game also happened to be JoePa's 400th win? Just an added bonus. :)

Sure, there were many 'downs' in 2010 that I purposefully omitted, but I have many things to look forward to in 2011, and I can only hope that the year ahead is at least half as good as the year I just left behind.

Here's hoping all of you reading will have the best experiences possible in 2011.

Happy New Year!

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